Shri Aasra Vikas Sansthan


Not Specified

Rural and Urban Development



SHRI AASRA VIKAS SANSTHAN Non Governmental Organization is located in UDAIPUR RAJASTHAN . SHRI AASRA VIKAS SANSTHAN is registered as a Registered Societies (Non-Government) at UDAIPUR of state RAJASTHAN with Ngo unique registration ID 'RJ/2017/0165717' . The NGO registration is done by Registrar of Societies with registration number 256 on the date of 15-02-2002 and the SHRI AASRA VIKAS SANSTHAN Members are Bhojraj Singh Padampura (Founder), Kailash Karda (President), Shakira Banu (Social Worker), .

Causes Working On

Not Specified

Awards & Certifications

    Not Specified