Agriculture & Fair Trade
The Deshpande Foundation, founded by Jaishree and Gururaj ‘Desh’ Deshpande, has supported sustainable, scalable social and economic impact through innovation and entrepreneurship in the United States, Canada, and India. Deshpande Foundation India BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM THAT NURTURES INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP The Deshpande Foundation India’s Hubballi Sandbox is an empowering ecosystem encouraging an entrepreneurial culture to problem-solving in the community. It is a living laboratory for catalysts to test ideas, make changes and eventually develop truly scalable solutions that will address the pressing social challenges of the 1.1 billion living in rural and smaller metros of India. Our Programs: Agriculture Initiatives Deshpande Startups. Micro enterpreneurship Deshpande Skilling.
Support Indian Farmers.Increasing farmers income support more female farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture.