Nav Bihar Samaj Kalyan Pratisthan Kendra

Bihar Sharif

Not Specified

Rural and Urban Development



NAV BIHAR SAMAJ KALYAN PRATISTHAN KENDRA Non Governmental Organization is located in Patna BIHAR . NAV BIHAR SAMAJ KALYAN PRATISTHAN KENDRA is registered as a Registered Societies (Non-Government) at Patna of state BIHAR with Ngo unique registration ID 'BR/2017/0119018' . The NGO registration is done by Registrar of Societies with registration number 106/1980-1981 on the date of 06-08-1980 and the NAV BIHAR SAMAJ KALYAN PRATISTHAN KENDRA Members are Brajnandan Prasad (Secretary), Anandi Prasad (Treasurer), Balkant Kumar (Board Member), .

Causes Working On

Not Specified

Awards & Certifications

    Not Specified