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Started in the year 2000, AIM for Seva’s mainstay is rural education with the flagship programme being Chatralayam. The revelation site for the same was at the foothills of the Nilgiris. In 1999, when PujyaSwami Dayananda Saraswati visited the hills of the Anaikatti range in Tamil Nadu, he was astonished to discover more than 100 tiny hamlets nestled within the mountains. In one of the villages, he enquired of an elderly lady from the Irula tribe, “What help do you need?” The lady, named Papammal, immediately responded “Saami, my children need to walk seven kilometers to school, across the forest which is very unsafe. Why don’t you build a hostel and help them go to school?” Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati inferred that the last mile education conundrum in India could be resolved by establishing a hostel network across the country, wherein the hostels would be situated in close proximity to schools. Students could live in this place and attend the nearby school.
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