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Women Empowerment
MISSION Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal / Gandhi Book Centre is a GANDHIAN PUBLIC CHARITABLE TRUST and is associated with the noble cause of spreading the word of Mahatma Gandhi (Bapu), th e greatest man of 20th century. Sarvodaya means welfare of all, and Mandal means board. We believe that today is one of the darkest hours for humanity, but there is still a ray of hope. And that ray of hope would come to us by embracing and practising Bapu's philosophy and thoughts. It is often said that it would be hard for future generations to believe that such a man ever existed and walked the lands of earth. Many people such as Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandella, Dalai Lama, Aung San Suu Kyi, etc. have followed the path shown by Bapu and have brought prosperity to themselves and their societies. It is often misunderstood that Gandhian principles are too hard to be followed by a common man. To break this myth we share success stories of common people who have followed Bapu's teachings and prospered.
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