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Jn Bal Nikunj Samiti is a non-governmental organization (NGO) working in Uttar Pradesh, India. The registration number of the organization is: 1528/69-70?(12-03-1970)?. Established in the year 1970?, Jn Bal Nikunj Samiti works in the area of Advocacy and Research, Children, Civic Issues, Disaster Management, Education & Literacy, Environment and natural resource management, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Labour & Employment, Land Resources, Legal Awareness & Aid, Micro Finance (SHGs), New & Renewable Energy, Panchayati Raj, Right to Information & Advocacy, Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation, Scientific & Industrial Research, Tribal Welfare, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation, Womens Development & Empowerment, etc. The NGO works towards the promotion of sustainable development. We have Not updated about documents, come back soon or contact to us.
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