The Barefoot College


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Background: The Barefoot College, also known as the Social Work and Research Centre is a community-based grassroots organisation working since 1972 based on the Gandhian concept of reaching the last person. It was founded by Sanjit ‘Bunker’ Roy, to harness the skills and intelligence of rural people and ‘specialists’ people with degrees and formal professional competence, to work together to empower local communities. The SWRC/Barefoot aimed at addressing specifically the issues concerning the marginalized, the exploited and the impoverished rural poor living on less than minimum wages; in practical domains like water, education, solar, health, advocacy and rural livelihoods including handicrafts. Barefoot has sought to provide the opportunity and the right support for communities to participate in planning, executing, and maintaining their own frameworks for development.

Causes Working On

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Awards & Certifications

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