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Women Empowerment



Safar is a visionary program initiated by Top Trove Foundation for welfare of orphans. Safar is carried forward by a virtual platform comprising of volunteers and interns from different states through technology and collaboration. Orphanages are the abode for abandoned children. Mission of most orphanages is never met due to many reasons some of them include lack of funds, reluctance to networking, poor digital infrastructure, no defined purpose, strategic planning etc. Main aim of Safar is to empower, support and refactor Orphanages in India from planning to making them go digital. Students often find difficulties in choosing what career suits them and what they need the most at that time is someone to guide them. So, we are also working towards providing career guidance and mentorship to children in orphanages by making it seamlessly easy for speakers to walk in and guide them. Whether it can be about education, what streams are available? and how to pursue it? or it could be abo

Causes Working On

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Awards & Certifications

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