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Bihar Gramin Jagrukta Abhiyan Samiti (BGJAS) is a non-profit making, Non Political, Social Voluntary Organization, registered under Society Registration Act. XXI, Bihar. It was established in the year 1994 with a broad vision of bringing a new social order free from all types of exploitation. BGJAS emerged to its present shape primarily because of sustained support from government and other donor agencies– International NGOs, bilateral donors, state governments and selected NGOs operating in Bihar , U.P. , Jharkhand & Delhi. The objective of BGJAS was to facilitate fulfillment of basic needs of common man required for a civilized life, thereby upgrading the living standard of common people and provide them healthy life and atmosphere. BGJAS is active in social economical development and welfare of downtrodden people especially women, child and neglected section of society its activity is concentrated in social welfare and health sector.
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