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In short APARAJEETA aims to be a forum to pay respect to the very existence, to the beautiful intellect, to the immense contribution and to the power of womanhood in shaping of human civilization through the course of journey from stone to cyber age. And that is too in the form of definite work resulting permanent contribution to improve Human Development Index of socio-economically marginal section and addressing other issues of human society. APARAJEETA will formulate and execute its continual programme and different projects to find answers to the crisis of present era of human development unleashing the yet captive energy of common mass. APARAJEETA aims to sensitize educated and economically stable middle layer of Indian Society for giving a bit of time and mind fulfilling social commitments towards marginal families living side by side to them in same land, sharing same citizen identity, same language and culture with an aim to up lift them to a dignified living status.
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