About Enabling Leadership We have a mission to change the world and we’re looking for like-minded individuals to join us! At Enabling Leadership, we believe that creating a different generation of “leaders” is the solution to most of the complex global challenges we face today. Our unique programs, “Create” (music), “Play” (football) and “Build” (Lego) are designed to equip children, especially those who are economically and educationally marginalized, to rewrite the definition of being “successful”. It is essential to redefine this in terms of people who take responsibility for their own individual, and our shared, combined futures. Our young “leaders” demonstrate and embody these values, principles, behaviours, choices, and actions, recognizing that for me to win, everyone must win. Every child can and should be a leader – a role model, a global citizen, and a positive contributor – it is critical for every individual to be this kind of a leader and not just a handful of people. Now,
underprivilaged children