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Public Health/WASH
Preface ‘SUSHILA FOUNDATION FOR AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT’ is a no profit making organization working in the area of Natural Resource Management for Rain Water Harvesting, River & Water body rejuvenation & revival, Income generation through training, Health & Sanitation for the sustainable development of community through SHGs & FPO. The aim of our organization is to work for holistic development of underprivileged SC, STG & others community. Our organization is having professional team from different sector for agriculture & allied, skill development sector, PMAY-Grameen, NRM, GIS & Remote Sensing, DPR Preparation, IEC, etc. Vision Our vision is to establish a peaceful, prosperous, happy community for sustained development process by participatory mechanism of development particularly for the poor, women, farmers, landless etc. Our organization realizes if that in all development and active participation is essential for sustainability of the programs and balanced development
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