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Samuel Hahnemann Associates & Research Centre (SHARC) laid its foundation in the year 1996 as a nonprofit charitable organization. SHARC perceives the development of the grass root community as a central process of empowerment of the poor and marginalized based rural community. Our organization has always endeavored to address the needs of the rural poor for the past 26 years. we focused on Govt. Schemes benefits for our target community to assess. Our focus on Land and Property Rights for women flips the script of gendered power—it challenges patriarchy at its root, by fundamentally changing women’s economic, social, and political status. And key to climate action, research shows efforts to protect biodiversity and address climate change are more successful when women have strong land rights. So as to ensure long-term returns in fifteen backward districts of Jharkhand, It’s recognized as a specialized women empowerment VOs, on this date. Increasing rural and indigenous women’s control
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