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The governance of our public institutions is opaque, non participatory and undemocratic. Poor governance inhibits the capacity of these institutions to deliver on their intended outcomes. After 10+ years of its implementation, 75% of Indian schools are not complying with norms & standards given in the Right To Education (RTE) (UDISE Date 2019-20). The RTE mandates the constitution of equitable local governance platforms for government and aided schools and details the functioning of these bodies. In their research, Karthik Muralidharan and others highlight the cost of weak governance in the context of public education. In a nationwide representative sample of public schools in rural India they found a teacher absence rate of 23.6% . They estimate the salary cost of unauthorized teacher absence is $1.5 billion/year. Similar to this issue, learning outcomes, parent engagement, instructional practices and attendance rates are also areas which get adversely affected due to weak governance
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