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We take this opportunity to introduce our company Himalaya Agro Products Pvt. Ltd., an ISO 9001 & 14001 :2015 Certified Company, Ahmedabad, Gujarat is engaged in multiple activities of manufacturing, marketing, and consultancy of Plant growth promoter, regulators, growth stimulants, Nano PGRs and pest control viz., larvicide, miticide, acaricide, all sucking pests sp., nematicides, fungicide, bactericide, viricide, neem oil like bio pesticides etc. for multiple use in field, vegetable and horticultural crops. At present we are operating from Ahmadabad, Gujarat to different states of India. We had experienced in leading national companies in past and having good understanding of Asiatic Market. We wish to offer you for your high quality product for IPM/INM projects that improve the quality of the plant which are very useful for Organic Farming.
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