Not Specified
1 Architect/ Town Planner (i) Bachelor Degree in Architecture or Planning with a minimum 50% marks and with an experience of Three years in any Government Departments/ PSUs/Courts/ Authority of Govt/Reputed Private Firm. 2 Law Officer (i)5-Year LLB in English Medium, should possess degree with 60 % marks or equivalent Grade 3 Steno i).Graduate in any discipline with minimum 50% marks or Master's Degree in related discipline.(ii).Efficiency in English 90 word per minute/ Hindi Steno 80 word per minute (iii)Efficiency in English/Hindi typing speed : In Hindi-30 WPM and In English– 60 WPM (iv)Should possess Internet and computer skills (v)Experience of three years in any Government Departments/ PSUs/ Courts/ Authority of Govt/reputed pvt firm
Not Specified