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n 1982, Dr. Dwarkadasji Lohiya laid the foundation of Marathwada Navnirman Lokayat (MANAVLOK), a voluntary organization, working for the socioeconomic upliftment of the rural poor in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra State in India. The organization is working in the sectors of Watershed, Agriculture, Disaster Relief Services, Women Empowerment, Human Rights, Community Kitchens, and Education as the holistic approach to integrated rural development. SiV is an after-school program for students enrolled in vernacular medium government schools. The program focuses on grades 5th-8th (upper primary and secondary) to equip rural students with English communication skills, leadership, critical thinking and confidence building. The program runs in partnership with Deshpande Foundation (DF). The entire training and capacity building of teachers, cluster head is carried out by the DF team. The program is going to be implemented in the 5 schools Ambajogai and Parli Blocks of Beed in Maharasht
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