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Udyogwardhini Shikshan Sanstha (USS) is an NGO registered under The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, The Societies Registration Act, 1860, Exempted under Income Tax 80G and FCRA Registered with ISO Certification 9001:2015. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Udyogwardhini Shikshan Sanstha is a broad umbrella consisting of Entrepreneurship & Skill development initiatives following a self-regulatory framework to carry out social, sustainable, and developmental responsibilities. Udyogwardhini has done considerable work in skill as well as in entrepreneurship development in various sectors for various corporates across Maharashtra, Telangana, Goa & Andhra Pradesh. Corporate Social Responsibility was made mandatory for the companies in April 2014. However, our CSR pursuit dates back to more than 30 years with a focus on developing India's 65% tribal and rural population. Preferred NGO Partners Over 15 Cooperates to implement Entrepreneurship & Skill Development.
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