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A State-level workshop on globalisation, economic reforms and World Trade Organisation (WTO) issues was organised by the collective effort of Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) and Durgapur Indira Pragati Society at Burdwan, on September 12, 2005. The workshop was inaugurated by Uday Shankar Sarkar, Sabhadhipati, Zilla Parisad, Burdwan. While addressing the audience, Sarkar told that economic reforms are inevitable but we have to be conscious about the welfare implications of these reforms. In this context, he welcomed the civil society organisations (CSOs) to join hands with the Government and spread awareness at the grassroots-level. Representatives from more than 60 state-based CSOs participated in the workshop. The workshop was held as part of the Project ‘Grassroots Reachout & Networking in India on Trade & Economics’ (GRANITE) presently undertaken by CUTS in eight states of India with the assistance from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and Novib (Oxfam,
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