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Children of the World Delhi (CWD) is a non-political, secular and not-for-profit NGO, registered under the Societies Registration Act No. XXI of 1860. CWD is recognized as a ‘specialized adoption agency’ by Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA), Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. CWD aims to help abandoned, orphaned and differently-abled children by way of adoption, sponsorship, and community development projects in the Delhi national capital region (NCR). An organization that is committed to the UN Declaration on Children’s Rights, specifically their rights to special protection, social and material security, care and positive conditions for growing up. CWD traces its origins to the Norwegian Korean Association (founded in 1953 during the Korean War) and its subsequent avatar, Children of the World Norway (founded in 1978). In 1986, when Mohini Raghunath, leader of Children of the World Bombay and one of India’s foremost child welfare professionals m
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