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NAV BHARAT SAMAJ KALYAN SAMITY Society Information NAV BHARAT SAMAJ KALYAN SAMITY is located in Moradabad Uttar Pradesh . NAV BHARAT SAMAJ KALYAN SAMITY is registered as a Society at Moradabad of state Uttar Pradesh with Ngo unique registration ID 'UP/2009/0006526' . The NGO registration is done by Registrar of Societies with registration number mbd/120 on the date of 1991 September 26th Thu , Its parent ORganaisation is PaulFoundation. The Chairman of NAV BHARAT SAMAJ KALYAN SAMITY is Habibur Rehman Sunny and Chief functionary officer is Habibur Rehman Sunny. Promoters are Rasheed Ahmad, Rasheed Ahmad, Rasheed Ahmad,Shanti Devi.
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